Upgrade as-a-Service

Award-winning, user-friendly future-proofing in a fast-paced world

Lower effort, risk, TCO –
higher efficiency, performance, security

Click on each solution to find out more

The pace of technology and business model change requires all firm’s tech stacks to handle constant change, integrating and interacting with new tools, apps and platforms.


As internal IT teams work more closely with customer-facing staff, third-party experts can ensure core systems are always in peak condition, whilst minimizing TCO and interruption to BAU.


UaaS rolling program reduces risks, costs and improves upgrade efficiency over time, based on unparalleled expertise, unique methodology and OmniFi’s fast, reliable automated testing capabilities.

Reuse; Reduce; Recycle

Upgrade-as-a Service (UaaS) offers a highly efficient, sustainable approach. With UaaS, your system is fully up-to-date, secure, and performant, with minimal disruption or impact on internal resources:


Scoping, master test plan, test packages and related processes to accelerate and broaden scope of testing in future upgrade projects, thus reducing time, effort and risk.


Both the amount of work required onsite, and the impact on internal IT staff and business users.


Upgrade methodology and collateral are constantly recycled and re-evaluated to improve future upgrade project due to rigorous feedback processes.

Client benefits

Lower project risk / internal burden / TCO, shorter timelines

Comprehensive, automated, re-usable processes

Expert advice, specialist support, continuous improvement

Increased system security, stability, functionality

Improved integration, adaptability of overall tech stack

UaaS solution

Click on each solution to find out more

Automated testing with OmniFi

Regression tests, analysis deviation, test case reusability, documentation

High speed/capacity for fast, reliable, scalable, comprehensive testing

Continuous feedback with R&D to enhance functionality

Central delivery, repository, methodology

Consistency, standardization, commitment to continuous improvement

Central repository enables use of past test cases, collateral

Tried-and-tested repeatable methodology to guide whole process

Dedicated team

1200+ years of collective experience

30+ completed upgrade projects

Strong support between on- and offsite team members

Success stories